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Markdown Features

Docusaurus supports Markdown and a few additional features.

Front Matter

Markdown documents have metadata at the top called Front Matter:
id: my-doc-id
title: My document title
description: My document description
slug: /my-custom-url

## Markdown heading

Markdown text with [links](./

Regular Markdown links are supported, using url paths or relative file paths.

Let's see how to [Create a page](/
Let's see how to [Create a page](./

Result: Let's see how to Create a page.


Regular Markdown images are supported.

Add an image at static/img/docusaurus.png and display it in Markdown:

![Docusaurus logo](/img/docusaurus.png)

Docusaurus logo

Code Blocks

Markdown code blocks are supported with Syntax highlighting.

```jsx title="src/components/HelloDocusaurus.js"
function HelloDocusaurus() {
return (
<h1>Hello, Docusaurus!</h1>
function HelloDocusaurus() {
return <h1>Hello, Docusaurus!</h1>;

Admonitions [SOON]

MDX and React Components [SOON]